16 Mar 2018

Three individuals will be charged in court in two separate cases for evading taxes on their rental income:


  • Case on Omission of Rental Income

Two persons will be charged on Friday, 16 Mar 2018, for the omission of rental income from their tax returns.

One of them will face 4 charges involving omitted rental income amounting to $411,252 for Years of Assessment (YAs) 2010 to 2013 which resulted in a total of $69,065.20 in tax undercharged.

The other will face 3 charges involving omitted rental income amounting to $299,769 for YAs 2012 to 2014 which resulted in a total of $52,854.75 in tax undercharged. In addition, this individual will face another charge for the non-filing of his income tax returns. 


  • Case on Falsified Invoices Submitted for Claims on Rental Expenses

One will be charged on Friday, 13 Apr 2018, for submitting falsified invoices to IRAS to support claims made for rental expenses between YAs 2009 to 2013. The individual will face 5 charges involving the submission of falsified invoices that amounted to $284,308.52. This resulted in a total of $56,499.91 in taxes undercharged.