Information for all property owners and tax agents

IRAS will be launching an enhanced version of myTax Portal on 12 August 2024. This enhancement aims to provide a more seamless and intuitive tax filing experience.

In conjunction with the roll out of improved digital services, we will be transiting to a new form for lodging of an objection against the annual value assessment for properties. Please note the following important changes:

1) Decommissioning of Old Objection Form

  • Objections lodged using the old form must reach IRAS via post or email by 29 July 2024, 12:00 PM.
  • Any submissions using the old template and received by IRAS after 29 July 2024, 12:00 PM will be rejected.

2) Introduction of New Objection Form

The “Object to Annual Value” digital service will also be temporarily unavailable from 4 August 2024, 2:00 AM to 12 August 2024, 8:00 AM. During this period, you may continue to submit your objections via post or email, in the new form template.

S/NTitleLast updated
1Master GIRO Application Form (PDF, 689KB)Sep 2021
2Notice of Objection
(Word version) (DOC, 100KB)
(PDF version) (PDF, 568KB)

New! Notice of Objection (With effect from 30 July 2024) 
(Word version)  (DOC, 131KB)
(PDF version) (PDF, 221KB)
*Please e-File via Object to Annual Value or print a copy of the form for your completion.
Jul 2024